Blog Archives
Domains for Sale
JVHM, Inc. owns many domains that were purchased for future development. Those domains that are still setting on the shelf are potentially available for purchase. See if there is a domain you might be interested in.
Business Capsule
This service was created as a channel for offering entry level websites with a professionally designed WordPress website that also is hosted and maintained on our infrastructure. The product offering is for those organizations that are on a tighter budget or who really don’t need a deep dive or highly customized website. While this isRead the full article…
WEBphysiology WordPress Portfolio Plugin – FREE
In an effort to give back to the many other WordPress developers, we have shared our WEBphysiology Portfolio plugin for the absolutely low, low price of FREE! This plugin will allow you to create a page containing images with related details. The images can be clicked on to navigate to another site or page orRead the full article…
Facebook – Salesforce Web-to-Lead Form
This Facebook Application will allow you to easily drop a Salesforce Web-to-Lead form onto your organization’s Facebook Page. It’s a slam dunk with very little effort to have a form customized and up-and-running and sending leads your way! You will just need your Salesforce Organization ID and a few short strokes later you will beRead the full article…