JVHM maintains other websites that support specific service areas, like Web Design, Development and Hosting. These other sites are where you’ll find JVHM adding value. Please visit them to obtain further service details and other helpful information.
This is our web development business. While we specialize in all things WordPress, we also build straight HTML/CSS/PHP based sites as well as build Facebook Fan pages, produce online videos, create custom WordPress themes and plugins, troubleshoot and update sites, build in proper SEO features and much, much more.
Business Capsule
This service was created as a channel for offering entry level websites with a professionally designed WordPress website that also is hosted and maintained on our infrastructure. The product offering is for those organizations that are on a tighter budget or who really don’t need a deep dive or highly customized website. While this is an entry level offering, it is done right and contains many must-have features as standard, including a responsive theme so that sites are easily viewable on smart phones and tablets.
iframe Ninjas
Services provided by iframe Ninjas revolve around serving up web content within an iframe. Typically this will be work that relates to Facebook Fan Pages.
iframe Valet
iframe Valet was formed when Facebook started requiring secure, SSL pages be defined for Facebook Fan Pages. Standard web hosting also is available.
Domains for Sale
JVHM, Inc. owns many domains that were purchased for future development. Those domains that are still setting on the shelf are potentially available for purchase. See if there is a domain you might be interested in.